Saturday, October 30, 2010

the first day of shooting

So excited about this project. Long day of shooting ahead of us for the production of shell shock. I am the assistant director to Holly Rice, producer and director. Stay tuned at

Posted via email from The Living Parable

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lily's Style

Lily's idea of a fabulous outfit and her rock garden she made the other day.

Posted via email from The Living Parable

Making Mud Fun

Matthew Armstrong
Web Developer, Filmmaker, and Abolitionist

Current Projects:

Posted via email from The Living Parable

kids with capes

Watch in HD on the actual vimeo website... the first video in this series isn't that interesting compared to what will be coming, but I think there is just something enjoyable about watching these kids interact with homemade pillowcase caps.

Matthew Armstrong
Web Developer, Filmmaker, and Abolitionist

Current Projects:

Posted via email from The Living Parable

Monday, October 18, 2010

Into the Rio Grand Gorge and Canyon

Our family had a blast in New Mexico. We spent two weeks in Santa Fe and went on several hiking trips up in the mountains and along the Rio Grand. I was so proud to see the kids be so courageous and brave as they climbed rocks and led the way down steep terrain. 

Posted via email from The Living Parable

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pictures from our hike today.

We had a blast.... you can't see it hardly in the pics but all three of the kids were wearing there capes... (made from pillow cases and rubber bands).

Posted via email from The Living Parable

Mountians, hiking, Aspens, and the family

We went on a hike in the mountians near Sante Fe.  It was amazing to see the changing colors of the aspens. Around here the aspens are mostly spread out in patches, but in rare case they manage to take over a mountain side, as you see in this video.

Posted via email from The Living Parable

Eating at the atomic grill - santa fe

Look at that tasty Gyro!

Posted via email from The Living Parable

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Letter of Reprieve


Check out this spontaneous short film I did this past Sunday.... written and filmed in about 3 hrs. 
 The story has an interesting twist with the way it deals with some heavy subjects like death, forgiveness, and depression. 

I wonder if people will get what I hoped they would. Would you watch it and tell me what you think?

Matthew Armstrong

Posted via email from The Living Parable