Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obsessed with Facebook Infographic

It speaks for itself. People are crazy... and Facebook isn't going anywhere. Whether you are an artist or a business, you need to discover how to best utilize this "Obsession". I came across this info graphic while designing and coding a custom facebook page for one of my favorite clients (details to be released soon!). 
Which statistic did you find the most shocking? 

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong

Friday, September 9, 2011

Attention Photographers: Know Your Rights

Don't get pushed around by kangaroos (or police) who say you need their permission to exercise your rights as a photographer. 

Since 9/11 Americans have lost many civil liberties in the name of "security". One such liberty that is increasingly becoming an issue is the public's right to take photos. 

It may not have happened to you yet, but many photographers (including myself) have been told by authorities to stop taking photos in public areas where I know I have a legal right to use my camera. 

In fact, its gotten so bad that the ACLU have released a great article to help inform photographers of their rights.

The article includes great info like:

"When in public spaces where you are lawfully present you have the right to photograph anything that is in plain view. That includes pictures of federal buildings, transportation facilities, and police. Such photography is a form of public oversight over the government and is important in a free society." 

Read the whole article here, it's short and sweet and to the point:

And never forget to steer clear of violent kangaroos,

Matthew Armstrong

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Video: Breakdancing Bug

Made with: 
- about 18 Locust Shells from the backyard
- one blank canvas
- 3 kids
- two very patient young adults
- one canon 60D camera
I am amazed at my daughters creativity. 
Actually all three of my children seem to be very creative 
- which of course is encouraged often.

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Signatures of the Entrepreneur

I may work longer, harder, and carry the full burden of my paycheck


I love my job.

[picture taken after a long night of shooting a new short film that will be coming out... this is our crew, Me, Chase, and Chelsea]

I'm an entrepreneur. And how grateful I am for the opportunity. 

I love helping other people succeed - that's what I do. 
I love being able to take what is there and make it into something that wasn't there before.
I love working for myself and making money on my own terms. 

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? 
Whether you are already self-employed or just thinking about it, take a glance at this article. 

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong