Wednesday, July 27, 2011

VIDEO: Ro2 Gallery Visit

ORIGIN MAGAZINE is planning to feature my friend and client Val X Curry in an upcoming issue. 

We went with Val to get some photos of his work that was being displayed at Ro2 Art Gallery Uptown Dallas for use in the magazine. 

Check out

Posted via email from Living Parable Productions Blog

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Open-source Collaborative Video Editor

For all the video creators out there: Check out the video in the link. Does this an online collabotarive video editor sound like something you might want? I can see this having real potential in a number of ways.

Open-source Collaborative Video Editor ‘Novacut’ Seeks Crowdfunding

Novacut is a work-in-progress HTML5-based collaborative editor that is currently fundraising on Kickstarter. It will run as a ... read more


Posted via email from Living Parable Productions Blog

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Proven Results: Client Re-branding Project


Client: Chelsea Criss Photography

Services: Marketing and Branding Analysis, Brand Identity Design (logo, business cards, etc), integrated marketing strategy, website and blog development

Chelsea Criss is a talented photographer that, like many small businesses, has realized the value in intentionally branding her business with an integrated online marketing plan. In just 1 week of working for Chelsea Criss Photography I had implemented the first stages of her new marketing strategy and she immediately started seeing results on her facebook business page: 
  • Active Users were up by 655%
  • Post Views are up to 2,721 - an 819% INCREASE
  • Post feedback increased by 1,067%


And this is just the beginning. 

Contact me to find out how I can help you business or brand!

Matthew Armstrong,
creative media marketing hacker

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong's Blog

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hacking Reality: Learn Why Your Recorded Voice is a Key!


It is interesting to think about the way we interact with the world. We've discovered that the way we experience reality isn't what we thought - it's primarily what we think. 

I'll explain that odd sounding sentence in a bit, but first... Think about the experience of hearing your own voice on a recording - does it sound like you?

No! It doesn't sound like you - at least not what you "think" you sounded like! But wait, that is you. And to everyone else, it sounds JUST LIKE you. Talk about a mind trip.

What's the deal? 

The memory of your voice, the way you've experienced it in the past, doesn't the match the way you experience it on a recording. Thus, you ask your friend embarrassingly, "Is THAT what I sound like?" Um... yes. That odd vibration of air is your voice home boy. 

When we talk we hear our own voice through the air and through the bones in our head. These are two different ways of hearing. [FYI: You can learn about the science of what I am talking about here.] When you hear your voice on a recording you only it through one of those ways: through the air. 

Hacking Reality
Using the example of your own voice and how different it seems on a recording, we can see how reality is altered by our experience. Everything we encounter in reality speaks to us in the subject voice of our own experience. Reality is talking to us through the air and through our bones. What does that mean? It means that our experience of the world is only partially based on what exists "out there" in the world, that's the part of reality we are "hearing through the air". The rest of what we experience comes from the way we "hear" reality from within ourselves. Meaning what we bring to our experience of reality (our past, memories, hurts, loves, feelings good and bad, culture, etc) dictate what we think reality is just as much (if not more) than what actually exists "out there".

Now imagine for a moment if there was a way you could "hear" reality, experience it, with out the noise of your own perceptions. Would we even recognize the voice of reality?   

Fascinating to think about. 

You and I experience reality subjectively through our own internal stories and unconscious patterns. And this isn't necessarily bad, unless we aren't aware of it. If we take this fact seriously we will begin to notice the sound of these unconscious patterns, an awareness that brings untold positive change to our experience of reality. Take some intentional time to appreciate both ways you are hearing reality (from within and without) and you will be in a much better position to hear things you've never heard before, even though you think you have. 

Matthew Armstrong

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong's Blog

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Value of Fleeting Moments: PHOTO


One of the most important things to remember as a photographer or documentary videographer is that there is no replacement for being in the moment. The best photo is often less about the pose and more about the motion. It's about being open and available to capture moments in life that are otherwise fleeting to our experience. 

  • her hair being tossed
  • his subtle movement of body
  • the dandelion being blown... 
Can we help produce these moments? Of course. Whether you are just out and about or in a studio, you can always help motivate this moments into existence. But the point is this: the best camera in the world and the best photographer in the world can't produce in themselves the simple beauty of my son Malachi forcing his breath across this dandelion. 

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong's Blog