Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Value of Fleeting Moments: PHOTO


One of the most important things to remember as a photographer or documentary videographer is that there is no replacement for being in the moment. The best photo is often less about the pose and more about the motion. It's about being open and available to capture moments in life that are otherwise fleeting to our experience. 

  • her hair being tossed
  • his subtle movement of body
  • the dandelion being blown... 
Can we help produce these moments? Of course. Whether you are just out and about or in a studio, you can always help motivate this moments into existence. But the point is this: the best camera in the world and the best photographer in the world can't produce in themselves the simple beauty of my son Malachi forcing his breath across this dandelion. 

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong's Blog

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