Monday, April 16, 2012

DSLR's Filmmakers: BlackMagic Cinema Camera is One to Watch!

Get this:

It's a $3k camera that shoots 2.5k RAW footage uncompressed straight to an included Solid State Drive and comes equipped with a Canon EF mount.

It has 13 stops of Dynamic Range!

A large touch screen serves as both the menu system and a nice monitor. 

It has audio in and internal mic. 

SDI out. 

Headphone jack.
Are we dreaming? 


P.S. I think this is my next camera.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Acoustic at the Incarnation

Work: Live video production, editing, web development, brand/marketing
Link: http//

I was hired to shoot a live performance of AIR REVIEW in a very unique setting for the band: the Church of the Incarnation in Dallas.

In the midst of stained glass and candle light this up-and-coming indie rock band performed a (sort of) acoustic set that was both intimate and rocking. It was a beautiful evening.

Originally we were just going to make a little promo video out of the content, but today AIR REVIEW released

I created a one page website where Acoustic at the Incarnation lives. Its a series of videos from that evening that will be released over time.

What do you think?

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong

Friday, March 23, 2012

If it doesn't Spread, It's Dead.

Hey artists!!!

How do we go from obscurity to success in our current system?

thanks to for sharing this video.

Here are some highlights from the video:

  • People are more engaged when they can participate and claim ownership
  • Unauthorized distribution can help the product (constructive) vs Piracy that exploits the product (destructive)
  • Independent artists: obscurity is more of a problem than piracy
  • There are bigger audiences than ever before, but building a market for our products is less guaranteed than it ever has been
  • People who engage in something small like kickstarter are more likely to engage in a larger social media campaign sometime in the future

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong

Friday, February 10, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

5 Reasons Why 2012 is the Year to Put your Art Online

5 Reasons Why 2012 is the Year to Put your Art Online

Even if you’ve been a diehard gallery artist your entire life, this is the year to put your art online. Here’s ... read more


Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Music Video I Shot, "Warrior Song", Premiered on E! Network on New Years!!!

A bit of the back story:
A few months ago I was becoming really anxious and desperately wanted to shoot a music video. As a filmmaker, i feel that music videos can be an incredible way to showcase your talent in a way that is very palatable and engaging (with the right song).

Right about the same time that my itch to shoot a music video was reaching almost unbearable levels I received a call from a producer who had been given my name. I'd never shot a music video before but they liked my work and asked if I would come on as the Director of Photography for a music video. I said yes, a couple weeks later we shot for two full days and wrapped. The director Bob Hedlund did a great job and wrote a great script. The set designs had some cool factor that was exciting. And I felt I did my best to capture the vision of the director even though I had to improvise in ways I had never done before since we were missing certain equipment we thought we would have (this included me hanging off the side of the roof on roughly a 6 story building). In the end I thought the video could end up being pretty stellar for my first music video and that it would probably have an indie-style internet only release. I think this was the feeling of all the crew. 

Little did I know that this music video would premier on National TV on the E! Network on NEW YEARS!!! 

As part of their New Years Eve special, E! brought the artist, Hildegunn, on to talk about style and fashion and to discuss her new album release "Share Your Secret". And apparently they thought so highly of the video to "Warrior Song" that they chose to debut the video.

I am not sure how this has happened, but it has happened. I am very grateful and have much to say about the things this experience and fortune has taught me. 

Here's the video:

"Warrior Song"
Hildegunn Gjedrem
GroundUP Music 2011.
Video produced by Timothy Scott.
Video directed by Robert Hedlund.
Director of Photography Matthew Armstrong
Music and lyrics by Hildegunn Gjedrem.
Music produced by Michael League.

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong