Who among us would say they actually desire to fail? Whether we do fail is not the question, we all know that we have failed, but did we desire it - and do you now desire it? No. This fact alone speaks volumes to the existence of a specific purpose that we each have in life. Think about it. We know what failure means and we naturally do not desire it. No, we desire true success.
Now we are not talking about being successful in any one thing or event. For in actuality, a person can win or achieve a particular thing or status and still not truly be successful. The success we are talking about is the most important success that a person desires: successful living. What is a successful living? Simply put, the person who consistently lives in accord with their own heart - they are truly successful.
Many people get things they want and achieve material success while not realizing that their heart is far from them. This is especially the case in a materialistic society such as America. Don't be fooled - outward success will never replace the inward content of knowing you are true to your heart and your conscience. So, the next time you think about being successful - check your pulse and see where your heart is.
Remember, learning to live successfully will include failing a lot. However, the ability to truly succeed is not dependent on any material thing or special circumstance. You can start learning to live successfully right now by choosing to follow your heart the next time it is challenged. Will you make that choice?
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