Saturday, July 23, 2011

Proven Results: Client Re-branding Project


Client: Chelsea Criss Photography

Services: Marketing and Branding Analysis, Brand Identity Design (logo, business cards, etc), integrated marketing strategy, website and blog development

Chelsea Criss is a talented photographer that, like many small businesses, has realized the value in intentionally branding her business with an integrated online marketing plan. In just 1 week of working for Chelsea Criss Photography I had implemented the first stages of her new marketing strategy and she immediately started seeing results on her facebook business page: 
  • Active Users were up by 655%
  • Post Views are up to 2,721 - an 819% INCREASE
  • Post feedback increased by 1,067%


And this is just the beginning. 

Contact me to find out how I can help you business or brand!

Matthew Armstrong,
creative media marketing hacker

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong's Blog

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