Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bluegrass in Santa Fe

One of Guthrie's house mates is this unique man named Michael. Michael is a real character - I like him. When he told us he had a spot to play at the local bluegrass festival we told him we would be there. This is a few short clips of that experience... really, this was one of the last things I thought I would experience here in santa fe. It was fun but I could only take so much. I go through cycles with this sort of music... first I want to "heeeeeee haaaaawwww", then I want to get up and do a jigging jig type dance thing with a combonation of "hew haw'n" and "aarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee bbbbaaaaaaa", then after a while I simply want to get away from the monotony.... it all the sounds the same and starts to blend into one big country twilight zone - "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!".   

Posted via email from The Living Parable

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