Friday, December 17, 2010

Is the Indie Film Revolution Upon Us?

Watch this short clip below about the feature film "Monsters", an "almost nothing"-budget film that is showing in theaters around the country. Is it a good film? Does it have a good story? How about the acting? 

I don't have a clue. 

But that isn't the point here.

There are a plethora of multi-million dollar budget films with massive crews, incredible sets, star actors, and the backing of Hollywood, that are crap yet are still shown in theaters everywhere.  

Whether "Monsters" is really any good or not doesn't matter. The the reality of how it was made and that it is being featured in theaters - now that matters. 

Is the Indie Film Revolution Upon Us? I think so.

Get inspired, and if you want to make a film, let's talk. In the meantime, check out Shell Shock, the latest film I worked on. 

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong's Blog

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