Thursday, August 4, 2011

DEMOLICIOUS HOUSE MUSIC (with full audio track below)

demolicious_house_music_by_matthew_armstrong.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Featuring original music compiled almost entirely from the voices of show participants and artists, this is a video complied from video and photos of the DEMOLICIOUS art show that took place on July 30th, 2011. 

This house is going to be demolished. But not before it is converted into an uncanny art exhibit featuring art from many disciplines including painting, sculpture, video, performance, music, and more.

The owners of the house allowed Val Curry to put on an art show just a days before the house was scheduled to be demolished.

Below is the full length track created for the video from the voices and sounds of participants and artists of DEMOLICIOUS. Special thanks to Sam England, Val Curry, Eric de Llamas, and the friends I made at the art show who helped make this music possible.

Posted via email from Matthew Armstrong aka Living Parable

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